Melo Melo pearls

Nature is unpredictable and fascinating, being able to create extraordinary things like pearls. But not every pearl is like we usually immagine, white, ethereal and covered with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl. Melo Melo pearls are very particular pearls which, like Conch ones, don’t have an actual layer of mother-of-pearl but rather a layer of […]

Baroda pearls

Perfection, elegance, mystery: these adjectives partly define the beauty of the legendary Baroda pearls, one of the most important pearl necklaces – originally with 7 strands – in the whole world, a priceless treasure of natural pearls that once was part of the Baroda treasure dated to the Mughal times. Along with the Baroda pearls […]

Conch Pearls

Since always pearls are one of the most appreciated fruits of the sea in all their several types which can create different emotions and atmospheres depending on each of them. There is also a particular type of pearl called Conch Pearl, which is very appreciated for its color, rarity and the unusual structure that make […]

Natural pearls: birth and chimical composition

For a long time natural pearls have had a mysterious aura around their birth, told in a fairy tale-like and magic way, involving dewdrops, floating mussels and divine rays. The reality is a lot more different and – unfortunately – it has nothing in common with this dreamy fairy tale: these precious and natural rarities […]

The Venus massage

Keeping its own beauty on check it’s an issue that worries human beings since ancient times, pushing their vanity to find new – and strange – ways to cure it as best as a person can and obtain as many benefits as possible. The Venus massage has very ancient origins and takes inspiration from the […]

Pearls of Cortez

Pearls are natural gems that from time immemoral charm people’s mind, becoming in the course of time a priceless treasure as to trigger expeditions to find the most legendary and fine varieties. The “black pearls of the new world” had been discovered by the conqueror Hernan Cortéz in 1533 in that tract of sea which […]

Gofun nail polish

Pearls have adorned the neck nobles, kings and queen for many centuries, but their use has never been bound only to jewel craft, but, on the contrary, pearls – and mother or pearl – have been used for centuries in other fields such as in medicine, cosmetics and varnishes. Gofun nail varnish is a traditional […]

The pearls of Cleopatra

Pearls, beside being extraordinary natural beauties, have always been able to cover their origins and history with a veil of mystery and legend, which has charmed mens for centuries. One of the most fascinating legends is surely the one which sees Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt and the most famous one of history, as […]

Mabé pearls

Among the various types of cultivated pearls there is one particular typology, not only for its hemispheric shape but also for its method of cultivation and treatment, which give out as result the so called Mabé pearls. Differently then “common” cultivated pearls, Mabé ones come to life as bulges of the mussel’s internal layer of […]

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