Gofun nail polish

Pearls have adorned the neck nobles, kings and queen for many centuries, but their use has never been bound only to jewel craft, but, on the contrary, pearls – and mother or pearl – have been used for centuries in other fields such as in medicine, cosmetics and varnishes. Gofun nail varnish is a traditional […]

The pearls of Cleopatra

Pearls, beside being extraordinary natural beauties, have always been able to cover their origins and history with a veil of mystery and legend, which has charmed mens for centuries. One of the most fascinating legends is surely the one which sees Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt and the most famous one of history, as […]

Mabé pearls

Among the various types of cultivated pearls there is one particular typology, not only for its hemispheric shape but also for its method of cultivation and treatment, which give out as result the so called Mabé pearls. Differently then “common” cultivated pearls, Mabé ones come to life as bulges of the mussel’s internal layer of […]

The Gogibus pearl

Nature is capable of donating magnificent creations to human beings, natural masterpieces like pearls born from a simple mussel: the Gogibus pearl is one of this extraordinary specimen. Weighting 126 carats, this pear-shaped pearl belonged to a merchant, Francois Gogibus native of Calais, which brought the from India to Europe in 1620; this merchant sold […]

The Pellegrina

Nature is able to create wonderful things, which men have often the privilege to enjoy: the creation of a pearl is an extraordinary thing itself, but sometimes nature surpasses herself and gives birth to the most excellent examples of beauty and value. The famous Pellegrina pearl, not to be confused with the Peregrine one, is […]

Natural pearls or imitations?

Pearls are precious gems of high value and, since the birth of particular methods of imitations, they have usually been replaced by plausible copies and posed as true ones. To establish if your purchase lead you to have natural pearls, there are several practical tests to do without the actual need of specific instruments: – […]

Pearls’ care and preservation

Pearls, like all the natural and precious gems, need particular care, to be given through the time in order to preserve their beauty as long as possible. Pearls are soft and tend to absorb skin’s oils and acids of the wearer, blowing out all the luster and slowly changing their form until they gain an […]


With the spread of natural pearls, in 17th century a clever rosary-bead craftman found by accident the method to craft imitations of this precious natural gem with a pearlescent mixture, now famous as “orient essence“. Even if nowadays this special mixture is used to craft high quality imitations, like the Majorca pearls, there are several […]

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